In the serene commune of Serverette, nestled in the picturesque landscapes of northern Lozère, France, I embarked on a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual discernment during the sacred period known as Arrupe Month. Guided by the teachings and traditions of the Society of Jesus, this month-long program offered me a sacred space to delve into the depths of my vocation, preparing me for the solemn responsibilities of priesthood. In this narrative, I reflect upon my personal experiences, challenges, and moments of grace encountered throughout Arrupe Month, exploring the profound impact it has had on my spiritual journey.
Week One: Unveiling Vocation Stories
The journey commenced with an intimate sharing of vocation stories, where fellow scholastics and I unveiled the intricacies of our individual calls to priesthood. As we delved into the depths of our experiences, we unearthed the subtle nuances of God's presence in our lives and the unique paths He had carved for each of us. Through heartfelt conversations and shared reflections, we forged bonds of camaraderie and mutual understanding, enriching our collective vocation journey.
Amidst the breathtaking natural beauty of Serverette, we embarked on exhilarating rafting expeditions and invigorating hikes, immersing ourselves in the awe-inspiring majesty of creation. These moments of communion with nature served as poignant reminders of God's boundless love and providence, infusing our vocation discernment with joy and gratitude.
Week Two: Delving into Jesuit Identity
During the second week of Arrupe Month, we delved into the Jesuit identity, exploring the foundational principles and values that underpin our vocation. Through engaging presentations and insightful discussions, we gained deeper insights into the ethos of Jesuit priesthood, embracing the call to serve as companions of Jesus in the Ignatian tradition. As we navigated the complexities of our role as Jesuit priests in a rapidly changing world, we grappled with questions of social justice, interfaith dialogue, and the pursuit of spiritual discernment.
Week Three: Contemplating the Mission
In the third week, our focus shifted towards the contemplation of mission, as we reflected upon the sacred calling to proclaim the Gospel message and minister to the needs of God's people. Through prayerful discernment and contemplative silence, we sought clarity and direction in our vocation journey, surrendering ourselves to the divine will and embracing the challenges that lay ahead. Inspired by the example of Saint Ignatius of Loyola and the Jesuits who had gone before us, we resolved to embrace our mission with courage and conviction, trusting in God's guidance every step of the way.
Week Four: The Culmination of Retreat
As Arrupe Month drew to a close, we embarked on a transformative eight-day retreat at the Abbey of Pradines, immersing ourselves in a sacred space of reflection and prayer. Guided by experienced spiritual directors, we journeyed inward, confronting our fears, doubts, and vulnerabilities with unwavering faith and trust. In the hallowed halls of the abbey, we encountered the living presence of God, experiencing moments of profound intimacy and spiritual renewal. As we emerged from the retreat, our hearts were aflame with a newfound zeal and devotion, ready to embrace the sacred calling of priesthood with renewed vigor and purpose.
Arrupe Month has been a sacred pilgrimage of the soul, a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual discernment. Through moments of shared reflection, communal prayer, and contemplative silence, I have been drawn closer to the heart of God, discovering anew the beauty and richness of my vocation as a Jesuit priest. As I look towards the future with hope and anticipation, I carry with me the lessons learned and the graces received during this sacred time of preparation. With God as my guide and companion, I embrace the call to priesthood with humility and gratitude, ready to serve His people with love and compassion.
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